
Businesses are awash with projects, and Project Management is taking off! The Projectification of companies and businesses infers that everything has become a project. Formerly, businesses used to achieve their strategic goals by delivering ‘business as usual’ and change programmes. Projectification means that the strategy for businesses is now being set with a view to being delivered by projects and Project Management. Organisations are being reorganised to deliver projects, and projects are being coordinated by Project Management Offices (PMO’s). We are becoming a Project Oriented Society. A Project Economy.

Why are we Moving to Projectification?

Historically projects were the remit of construction and engineering companies. Now Project Management is widespread in all fields of industry, business, and government. These projects are occurring because of:

  • Automation
  • Digitilisation of processes
  • The impact of the internet
  • Market changes
  • Regulatory changes

In the past projects were delivered tactically to fulfill a particular need. Now, projects are now done for strategic reasons. Organisations are setting up their strategic objectives, and delivering them with a Portfolio of Programmes and Projects.

This applies to all sectors of society For all types of projects. Business, Government, and Not-for-Profit projects.

What does this Mean for Project Managers?

There are even more opportunities for qualified project managers. Project Management is now seen as a core competency. A ‘must-have’ skill set when being interviewed for any position.

Projects are generally getting bigger and more complex. Projects already compete for scarce resources. More projects will need more ‘people’ and ‘contract management’ skills.

Project Managers should show that they have membership of professional bodies. There are plenty of qualifications to be taken. Project Managers should be seen to be developing themselves through CPD.

Projects for the Nations Economic Benefit

Running projects successfully is not only good for business. It is also good for a nations economy. Research by the Association for Project Management (APM) shows that project related activity accounts for nearly 8% of UK employment and nearly 9% of UK GVA (Gross Value Added). Read outputs of the APM Golden Thread Research. This report confirms that Projectification is not only happening, but accelerating.

Projects efficiently managed can deliver quality, and can deliver effective change within an organisation. Successful organisations generate employment and tax incomes for a nation.


Project Managers and ‘Accidental Project Managers‘ need to read the signs. Update your CV’s, check your CPD log, review your competences.

Projectification is real and happening in businesses. Take advantage and review your Project Management career pathway.

Posted On: 19th January 2021

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