What is it?
A simulation project based developed from the simple Warehouse Construction Project.
You have to assign 2 different resources to 8 tasks to ensure that the project completes on on time, within budget, and maintaining a cash-flow so that your company doesn’t go bankrupt!
You have the opportunity to create the ideal plan, and then submit weekly assignments. Following each week, you will receive a progress report allowing you to modify the assignments for the next week.
The simulation will take between 8 and 10 weeks to complete successfully.
It should take you around 90 minutes experience, and solve the project.
You will have unlimited attempts at the simulation, which will change on each attempt.
Who is it for?
Students of Project Management who want to challenge and test themselves in the aspects of resource planning, and monitoring and control of a project.
Management of cash will be critical in successfully completing the simulation.
Why Use it?
To test your planning skills, and to experience the ‘thrills and spills’ of a real project as it progresses towards a conclusion.
The enhanced Warehouse Simulation will be available in Spring 2018.