Project Management Case Study Activities

I provide both online and paper-based Project Management case study activities which relate back to Project Management academic theories. I hope that is clear! I’ve been working on my LinkedIn profile as part of an effort to sell more products!  (Follow me on LinkedIn!). Any LinkedIn headline is vital in explaining clearly what it is that you do!

LinkedIn Headline

Andrew Bell provides both online and paper-based Project Management case study activities. I can help you get the best out of Microsoft Project, and I deliver Project Management training.

As well as the ‘Headline’ I’ve been working on my ‘Elevator Pitch’. This is a 20 second overview of what you do. After reading some LinkedIn Learning courses, here is what I have come up with.

Elevator Pitch

I teach project management. I spent 15 years in the automotive industry before teaching for a training company. Then I held positions at both Coventry and Warwick universities. I’m now an independent consultant writing both online and paper-based Project Management case study activities for academic use. I have 6 on the market now, and I hope to write 5 more in the next 12 months. What are you doing at the moment?

Finally, as part of the work to improve my sales I have developed a value proposition.

A value proposition is a simple statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service. It communicates the clearest benefit that customers receive by giving you their business. Every value proposition should speak to a customer’s challenge and make the case for your company as the problem-solver.

Here is mine:

Value Proposition

I provide both online and paper-based Project Management case study activities which relate back to Project Management academic theories.

These are designed for HE/FE Educators and trainers who need to teach online, hybrid, or in the classroom. This can free up your time and increase student satisfaction & engagement. The activities lead to a deeper understanding of Project Management topics.

  • I am a ChPP Chartered Project Professional and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Authority.
  • I provide everything that you need:
    • Paper Based:
      • Ready to go on quality glossy paper, in a solid plastic case. A data stick is included containing a PowerPoint introduction, and pdf’s of all documents.
      • The one-off fee is for complete ownership. The activities can be used many times by different cohorts – providing a great payback over the years.
      • Typically lasting 1 hour.
      • Free UK Shipping.


Project Management Case Study Activities

Project Management Case Study Activities

    • Online:
      • Every student has an individual login for access.
      • Free access for academics.
      • These simulations can be completed in 30-40 minutes
      • Immediate and unlimited use for each student at a time that suits them.
      • Results change every time!

So now that I have those clearly defined, I’m going to be working on improving my sales fliers!


So I write Project Management Case Study Activities. You can find them listed on my Simulations page!

  Please do Follow me on LinkedIn!

Posted On: 28th July 2021

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